Many modern electronics and devices utilize 3.3v logic levels. Although this is fine when working with a solely 3.3v system, problems arise when attempting to interface 3.3v circuitry with older 5v systems and devices. This small, easy-to-use, yet robust breakout board allows for up to eight channels of bidirectional communication between a 3.3v and 5v system. The device is on 0.100″ centers for easy prototyping and breadboard usage. The circuitry in this level shifter is non-inverting as well for further ease-of-use. Features: -Based on Texas Instruments TXB0108 IC -8 bidirectional channels -Compact size (about 3/4″ x 1 1/16″) -0.100″ headers for ease of use for breadboarding and prototyping -Built, designed, and ships from the USA! Specifications: General: Dimensions (board): 1.055 in. x 0.77 in. (26.75 mm x 19.55 mm) Dimensions (headers): 0.610 in. x 0.100 in. (15.54 mm x 2.54 mm) Max frequency: 100MHz max. (bidirectional) Max. current (channel): 50mA Max. current (device): 100mA High side: Nominal voltage: 5.0V DC Voltage range: -0.5-6.5V DC Low side: Nominal voltage: 3.3V DC Voltage range: -0.5-4.8V DC NOTE: Output Enable (OE) is always enabled by default. If one wishes to use OE functionality, R1 must be removed and the OE line tied to ground with a pulldown resistor. Check the TXB0108 datasheet for more information. |
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